Usually, the European embassies are pretty strict with their regulations and not fulfilling requirements can cause delays or even visa refusal in the worst case.

Passport & Visa Photos AI APP

Guarantee of Acceptance. Digital + Print

Free! Compliance Check and Photo Editing

Remove Watermark and Re-upload Photo Anytime

No Credit Card Required to Preview Photo

Improve Photos in Seconds
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A Schengen or Norway visa application requires you to submit 2 passport size photographs. Usually, the European embassies are pretty strict with their regulations and not fulfilling requirements can cause delays or even visa refusal in the worst case. 


Norwegian Visa Photo Requirements

  • Size: 35 mm x 45 mm
  • Face Proportion: Face should be in the centre of the photo and should cover approximately 70% of the photo. All facial features including eyes, eye brows, and ears should be clearly visible.
  • Background: Plain, light-colored background. Preferably white.
  • Colors: Photos should be in colour. Grey-scale images aren’t permitted.
  • Accessories: Glasses, scarves, jewellery or any other hair accessories must be removed.
  • Headscarf-Turban: Only permitted if worn due to religious obligations.
  • Expressions: Mouth must be closed and neutral expressions must be maintained.
  • Fine-Tuning: Photos must not be edited for instance to smoothen fine lines or brighten skin tone.


You can see sample acceptable photographs here.


AI Passport Photos App (Digital + Print)


In today’s world where technology and artificial intelligence is taking over by storm, there are a few tools that can help you modify your photos such that they fulfil the requirements. PhotosForID is one such app. For just 2.99$ per photo, you can upload a picture, run quality checks, and modify it according to any country-specific requirements. All you have to do is upload a picture and select the country whose requirements you wish to meet.



Quality Checks: Once you upload a photo to PhotosForID, the tool will automatically check for features such as angles, colouring, distances etc. If the picture passes the initial checks, it will then be further edited as per the pending requirements.


Editing: The intelligent algorithms of PhotoForID automatically resize and crop your picture according to the requirements. If your face to frame ratio needs adjustment, that will also be automatically taken care of. Most importantly, the tool is also capable of automatic background detection and removal. Whether you need a white background picture or a grey one, it will all be taken care of!


Final Steps: Once the editing is done, you can download a high resolution image that can be directly uploaded to any application portals. Alternatively, you can also download a printable pdf version that you can get printed from your nearby printing service. 


Now, if you still need a picture for your Norway visa application, you don’t need to worry about heading to a photo studio. With PhotoForID, you can generate a suitable picture within minutes!